Un día gris

el día es gris
como mis pensamientos
una ráfaga de viento me golpe
se pasa de un lado al otro
es como yo soy una tela
deshaciéndose en el aire
el frio no me toca
no siento nada físico
menos las convulsiones
involuntarias de me cuerpo
no puedo parar lo
algo me sigue
me ha seguido
por mucho tiempo ya
veo algo lejos
pero es una visión
no muy clara
mis ojos van fallándome
ya viene la niebla
huelo el aire
me llena con ansia
y a la vez náusia
con quién me confío ahora
At 10:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Sarah, sorry, my comment doesn't really have anything to do with your latest blog entry... just wanted to say 'hi' from kiwi land. I am also trying to cleanse my body at the moment and am trying to make up for my bad eating habits in Japan. Good to be eating fruit again, especially good ol organic NZ fruit. Anyhoo my dear. Miss you lots. Will go sheep hunting soon.. ( i mean to take their photo, not to kill them) Big hugs xoxox
At 10:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
By the way, that is a sick picture you have posted... Did you take that yourself or thief it off the interweb?
At 7:15 PM ,
sarah said...
Awww K-ditty, I miss you too! The bike misses you also, it sent it's regards. Good luck with the sheep hunting. I lifted the photo but it's of the city I lived in for 6 years. *sigh* I miss it so. Good luck with the cleanse, just 9 more days for me. (;_;) Then I get to eat!!!
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