The RS Project

Yesterday my plan went into action. I previously incoherently babbled on how I had partially activated it, but now it's going full blow, balls to the wall. I shall call it the RS project. Before I didn't really reveal anything and I'm still not going to, but I will say I'm feeling better and whatever I'm doing now is all for the betterment of my health both mentally and physically. I know I'm still not making any sense but you'll just have to trust me.

I participated in a trivia contest and got 4th or 5th, I'm not sure. This is my team. You'd think with all the sluth ability we'd have done better. But we tried our best, maybe cartoon skills don't apply to real world...

I went to Nagoya to visit my second family. We ate the most delicious chicken I've ever had. We got eggs from a vending machine, too.They tried to kill me by over feeding me. After I took my shower on the day I left, they had a wonderful breakfast set out for me. Oh but wait- breakfast isn't complete without a beer. One of the few times I've actually drank a beer before 10am. But I did enjoy it... I miss them a lot.
I also went shopping with a South African queen and had a fabulous rainy day. Got the cutest tank top for cheeeap! Also I got to see a ramen dragon, totally worth the drive out to the outlet store.
On my home, home front there is some news.
My niece turned 4 years old!!!!! Yea, Megan! I miss you tons and I hope you don't forget me.
Love you!
Anyway, that's the end of this update. Hope you are all okay and doing well back home. Miss you, too!
At 6:19 AM ,
Claytonian said...
I've been to that restraunt, in Tosu.
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