Starting over with everything..

I lived and worked in Japan for a long time and have come back in a time of economic and ever present family drama to try and gain a foothold in my so-called home country. Armed with nothing but dog fur, a crappy car, a laptop that hates me, I try to see how far I can get.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Pains abound

So here I am at work, typing because the classes I had scheduled today had me go then come back because their students are slow. I have a nagging headache that seems to be increasing in size and ferocity because I'm sick and tired of coming to work. I might be possibly coming down with a cold (either it's that or wishful thinking) and just don't feel like working. My thights hurt a bit due to club Sarah's workout yesterday, and I have to come back after work to teach yoga...

I just want to sleep!!!!!!!! I work out with Sarah, and now a little brown person too, twice a week. It's great we lift weights at my house and bitch about our day. It makes you feel great and we've figured out yesterday that it keeps the other Sarah from killing people because she no longer has the strength after the workout. All and all it's a good time. However if we miss a day or so, it makes you damn sore.

I'm also teaching Yoga on Tuesdays to a faithful group of four teachers/staff at my JHS. I really am not looking forward to that today, but I must do what I do, even if it is badly. I'm trying to go to my yoga class on Wednesday, but lately, as my friend Lisa always says, I just can't be bothered. I'm pooped to the max on Wednesday and only half my week is gone. I even bought more vitamins, but nothing seems to work. Gaaaaah! I'm boring myself to sleep with this post, I'll post more when I wake up.


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